Why food prep?!



Big shop day and food prep day (aka Sunday/Monday) are 2 of my favourite days of the week. “Get a life” right?  Au contraire my friend ☝🏼….I actually find I have more time to myself if I do this, therefore more time for ‘life’, so there’s a flaw in your uneducated logic…Allow me to explain…

The benefits of prepping 


1. Stay on track with your diet – Your food is within reach when you’re hungry instead of grabbing snacks on the go.

2. Cheaper “big shop”! – Make a list of the meals you want, if you know what you’re eating you’ll buy less sh*t.

3. Less temptation – Again, skip straight past the sweet aisle! Make a list and stick to it.

4. Saves time! – Spend a couple of hours on a Sunday sorting it out and you’ll have every morning, midday and evening to yourself throughout the week.

5. Therapeutic -This may be subjective but it makes me feel ready for the week. Small feeling of accomplishment as you tub everything up and it’s there ready to go! 👍🏼

6. Less cleaning 😜 – Less pots to wash daily

7. Less wastage – If you’ve cooked all the food you’ve bought on big shop day, there’ll be less “gone off” food at the end of the week
So give it a go! I couldn’t cope cooking every evening, although it does work for some…if you’re planning a busy week ahead but need to stick to your diet, prepping can alleviate a lot of pressure. 
Have a great week all! 

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